Success Stories

Get inspired by stories of Banqer in action in classrooms across Australia.

Banqer High effortlessly aligns to the state curriculum’s financial literacy strands

Wellington Secondary College has embedded Banqer High into its ‘Financial Fitness’ elective for Year 10s, ticking every box on the Consumer and Financial Literacy strand of the Victorian Curriculum

student looking at banqer high stock exchange on a computer in the classroom

Prioritising Financial Education

Meeting the challenge of providing financial literacy for all. Josh Brown is Assistant Principal of approximately three hundred Year 7 to 9 students at Northern Bay, a large multi-campus high school in Victoria.

high school students crowded around a computer using banqer high

Achieving outstanding student outcomes with Banqer High

Year 7 and 8 students benefit from real-life financial lessons. Northern Bay College is located in the suburbs of Corio, Norlane and North Shore, a low socio-economic area of Geelong, Victoria.

student and teacher looking at banqer on a computer in a classroom

Financial education for student well-being

Setting students up to thrive in a future economy we know very little about. Financial education as part of a school's personal capacity programme may seem an unusual fit, but for St Andrew's Anglican College, it makes perfect sense.

teacher and student in classroom working on a computer