Thanks to the support of Netwealth, schools can access an engaging, relevant financial education at no cost.
Banqer Primary provides students with hands-on experience of the financial world, directly to their device. Built for the classroom, students enter a virtual economy, having their own online bank accounts, experiencing taxes, super, mortgages and much more in a safe and controlled environment.
Netwealth is an ASX listed financial technology company and one of the fastest growing wealth management businesses in Australia. With Netwealth, clients have access to a full range of superannuation, SMSF and investment solutions, as well as online portfolio management and reporting tools via the client portal and mobile app. Netwealth was created with an entrepreneurial spirit to challenge the conventions of Australia's financial services and is rated No.1* by customers for providing exceptional customer service.
Find out what Netwealth can do for you.
Netwealth and Banqer
share a mission
To enable, educate and inspire people to see wealth differently, to discover a brighter future. Together we’re preparing young Australians for their financial futures
Are you a teacher looking to start using Banqer Primary with your class?
It’s free, easy to use, and it only takes a few minutes to get set up. We have helpful tutorials, videos and lesson plans to get you started.
Come and join thousands of educators who already use Banqer in their class
Sponsored students across Australia since 2017!
Banqer and Netwealth 2024
Bringing Financial Education to Life
have experienced
creating a CV
Total Super funds under management
Total distribution of
Funds by risk in Super
Are you a parent looking for kids' activities at home?
We’ve created a bunch of activities for your child to begin financial literacy at home, Learn about budgeting, managing debt, risk and more.
Largely self-directed and suitable for ages 7 to 13.
Check out our home based activities

Refer a teacher you know
to get started now
We’ll send them some helpful information on how Banqer Primary can help them and their students immediately.
We don't want to get sent to the principal's office! If you’re unsure whether your teacher will want to receive this please check with them first. We’ll only use this email to send your teacher some initial information about Banqer, and will keep their email address safe.
As a first-year teacher, learning how to make behaviour management engaging and meaningful is always a challenge. Using Banqer in Year 3 and 4 has become so much more than I initially anticipated... My students have learned transferable skills such as collaboration, problem solving and reasoning alongside the more practical financial literacy skills they will need throughout their lives.
Kay-Anne Greyling, Year 3 teacher at a Northern Beaches Public School