Case Studies

Get inspired by stories of Banqer in action in classrooms across New Zealand.

Building financial futures: How Banqer transforms primary education

Brian Keith, a Year 4 teacher at Three Kings School, has seen a profound impact on his students' financial understanding through Banqer. By integrating Banqer into his lessons, Brian has created an interactive, real-world learning experience that empowers students to make smarter financial decisions and prepares them for the future.

a primary school boy looking at the camera

How Banqer forms the spine of financial literacy at Waimea Intermediate

Stu Hunt, a homeroom teacher at Waimea Intermediate, finds Banqer is a powerful tool for teaching financial literacy. Lessons are delivered through real-world scenarios, deeply engaging his Year 7 and 8 students in mathematics and life skills.

stu hunt stands at the front of his classrooms whiteboard. his students look at him while he addresses the class

Empowering young students with financial literacy at Waiau Pa school

Claire Yee, who recently returned to full-time teaching uses Banqer to effortlessly deliver an exciting and comprehensive financial education programme.

two students with long blonde hair sitting at desks in a classroom. the students are wearing black and yellow school uniforms. on the desk are two laptop computers. the laptops are running the banqer app

Maungaraki School embeds financial literacy into inquiry learning

Maungaraki School Year 5/6 teachers embed Banqer Primary into their planning for the year, engaging all students, no matter their motivation or learning style.

Maungaraki students with handfuls of Banqer dollars

Life after Banqer: The long-term impact of financial education 7 years on

Banqer graduate, Lauryn Spreckley, shares her journey of financial literacy from primary school to young adulthood, and how Banqer shaped her financial knowledge and decision making skills.

primary students in the classroom

Real-life financial lessons made easy at Northcross Intermediate

Natasha de Soden is a Banqer advocate. Her Year 8 class leaves school with a new world of financial potential thanks to Banqer Primary. Learn how she brings financial education alive and why she loves the impact it creates.

female student on her laptop computer using banqer

Financial education inspiring St Joseph’s Catholic Primary year 5 and 6 students

Teacher Kerry Horan has seen her students develop real-life financial literacy and uses Banqer as a powerful incentive system.

financial education classroom management display

Employment, weekly costs and key competency focuses at Linwood School

Linwood Avenue School in Christchurch has been using Banqer since it launched in term one 2015.  Over 100 students have benefitted from this unique approach to learning about money management. Colin Hill, a Year 6 teacher at the school, shares the transformative impact he has seen in his students.

banqer team members address a classroom at linwood avenue school

He Kai Kei Aku Ringa

Ko tētahi o ngā hua nui o te mahi Pēke Kā, ka āta tirohia ngā tamariki ki ngā āhuatanga katoa o te mahi moni, arā, ko te pēke pūtea tēnā, ko te penapena pūtea tēnā. Ko te nuinga o ngā tamariki, kāore anō kia kite i te āhua o tētahi pēke pūtea.

matua tureia and their ako on a computer using peke ka

Banqer through the eyes of Tiger

Tiger missed the first day his class used Banqer. He was pretty unimpressed about this when he first found out, but he soon found that this was to his advantage.

tiger on banqer on his laptop

Engagement, class jobs and real-life parallels with Jan Wells

It’s always been a rite of passage at St James that students in the senior room do their bit around the school. The introduction of Banqer has added a fresh layer of authenticity to their classroom economy.  Jan Wells, a teacher at St James, talks us through a few ways Banqer complements what they do day to day.

students gathered around a computer in the classroom